Star News - A proposed Hampstead subdivision's request to change its master plan design will bring the project back before Pender County's planning board Tuesday after a 2½-year delay. The developers of the residential and mixed-use project on 376 acres formerly called St. George's Reach, off County Club Drive, have changed its name to Hawksbill Cove. They will be asking the planning board to approve a revised master plan because they were unable to buy the land to build a connector road along a previously approved route, said Patrick Davenport, the county's director of planning and community development. Besides moving the proposed connector road 700 feet to the south, the new plan calls for the construction of an extension road from Country Club Drive that ties into the existing Transfer Station Road, which intersects U.S. 17. The connector road's relocation would reduce the amount of commercial, office and retail area to 50,000 square feet from the 200,000 square feet initially planned. It also would reduce housing units by 45 to 1,105 units, consisting of 710 single-family homes and 395 multi-family homes.
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